Spring 2024 Shorts

This page will have links to every single Short during the Spring 2024 semester.
If you’re a student, do not use this page for your Class Reflection Assignment - if you link these videos, you will not get credit.
Head over to the Full Lecture page if you are looking to complete your Assignment.

Oh, by the way,
you can watch the shorts on TikTok!

Class 1: Beginning (the End of Four)

“One Semester Shy of Four Decades”
“This Class is Interesting Because of the Students”
“Padrecito Brought Jesús”
“Wasting Life with Formal Education”
“How Sam Got Involved in Sociology”
“Don’t Take MY Word”
“Grandparents Checking Attendance”
“Why Are You Clapping?”
“Class Starting Spicy!”
“Mispronouncing Foreign Names”
“Coolest Part of Taipei, Taiwan”
“What is the “East Asian Eye”?”
“Learning New Languages”

Class 2: So… What’s the Problem?

“Start With: “I Don’t Know””
“Importance of Our Viewpoint”
“Responding to Racism”
“Thinking About Climate Change”
“We Don’t Listen to Each Other”
“Fairness in Politics”
“Seeking Common Ground”
“Mind Your Business”
“Racism in the Queer Community"
“Change is Inevitable”
“Superstitions Are A Problem”
“Why Should You Know?”

Class 3: Snow Day!

“Why Did You Study Catholicism in South America?”
“Am I Too Old For This Class?”
“What Does Sociology Study?”
“How Will Korea Unite?”
“Can You TRULY Understand Someone?”
“Why Am I Not Happy?”
“Update from Erbil, Iraq”
“What Will You Give Up?”
“Void Between Science and Belief”
“It’s Difficult to Imagine…”

Class 4: Becoming American

“Assimilating to the USA”
“I Pledge of Allegiance…”
“United States-ian”
“Are You From North or South Korea?”
“American Immigration Changes”
“Who Most Represents the USA?”
“Holding Onto Your Heritage in America”
“Where are you REALLY from?”
“How Important is Speaking English in America?”
“What Have You Given Up for America”
“Languages in America”
“America: A Christian Nation?”

Class 5: Goes Both Ways

“Losing Yourself in the Moment”
“What Punishment Should He Get?”
“What is a “Quaker”?”
“How Blind is Justice?”
“Jan. 6 Protest”
”Getting Caught in the Moment”
“Who was at Jan. 6?”
“A Cool Learning Moment”
”You Need To Talk With the Police”
“Thinking Out Loud”
“ACAB is Problematic”

Class 6: What Are We Afraid Of?

“Are You Gonna Take the Red Pill or Blue Pill?”
“Learning How To Think”
“Would You Question Your Faith?”
“Change to Affirmative Action”
“How Fair was Affirmative Action?”
“Who’s the “Average” Black Person?”
“Intergenerational Wealth”
“Who Isn’t Working Hard?”
“Illusion of Meritocracy?”

Class 7: A Cultural Tsunami

“Miss Japan v. Miss USA”
“Cultural Tsunami”
“Multiculturalism in Korea”
“Everyone Looks the Same”
“Why Did You Come to America to Study?”
“Culture Shock to America”
“Sam’s Wife Walks into Class”
“Why Do People Not Want Multiculturalism?”

Class 8: Living Among Strangers

“Largest Number of Foreigners”
“Cultural Life in Singapore”
“What Culture Are You?”

“Why Do Arabs Stick Together in America?”
“Do You Try to Integrate?”
“Diversity of Queens, New York”
“Learn to Be Tolerant”
“Racial Harmony Day”
“There’s No Reason to Integrate”
“What is Singapore?”
“Why is it Difficult to Integrate?”
“America, the Original Melting Pot”
“How Much Discrimination Do You Experience?”
“Wait, did you rush?”
“How is Identity Formed?”
“A Message to Korea”

Class 9: Another Radical Experiment in Empathy

“The Creation of Israel and Palestine”
“People Living in Israel Before 1948”
“Is the Middle East Violent?”
“99% Muslims Think They Are Crazy”
“Not Peace, but a Sword”
“Terrorists and Soldiers”
“Response to October 7th”
“Having Israeli and Palestinian Friends”
“What Would America Do?”
“Palestinian American Perspective”
“It’s Not Frustrations… It’s Real”
“Pro-Palestinian Jewish Perspective”
“Defeating Hamas Won’t End the War”

Class 10: Why Do You Wear That?

“How to Pronounce “Sikh”?”
“Do Sikh’s Cut Their Hair?”
“What Do Sikh’s Believe?”
“Free Meals, 24/7, 365”
“Blending in v. Sticking Out”
“How Often Do You Wear This?”

Class 11: Black Beauty

“What is “Black”?”
“Diversity in African Ancestry”
“What Do You Think?”
“What’s the Story With Your Hair?”
“Different Types of Hair”
“Are You Calling Me Weak?”
“A New Standard of Beauty”
“Stop Politicizing Everything”
“Beauty is Social”
“Copying Hairstyles”

Class 12: What Do You Hear?

“Why Was Their Religion Included?”
“Blamed for Jesus’ Death”
“A Perfect Follower”
“Christian Invaders in Iraq”
“Why We Stop the Great War of Africa?”
“A Beautiful Conundrum”
“Who is a Muslim?”
“Violence in Islam”
“Do They Represent You?”

Class 13: You Need to Catch Up!

“Wealth Concentration in America”
“Possible or More/Less Likely”
“Options When You’re Wealthy”
“The Stairs of Upward Mobility”
“Trump Lives”
“How Income Impacts Education”
“How to Get Rich, Slow”
“My Grandparents Made Good Decisions”

Class 14: Do You Think I’m Weak?

“Do You Think You’re Weak?”
“My Weakness is my Strength”
“Social Representation”
“How Many Americans Are Gay?”
“Why Is the Little Mermaid Black?”
“Importance of Shaking Hands”
“Sometimes It’s Funny…”
“Feeling Confidence”
“How Did You Get a Stutter?”
“Everyone Has Their Own Challenges”
“Do You Resent Social Norms?”

Class 15: The Whites

“Why Do Bodies Make Melanin?”
“Who’s “White” in Ireland?”
“Who is “White” in Ecuador?”
“Who is “White” in Australia?”
“Who is “White” in Israel?”
“What is “Pride” in Whiteness?”
“Is there Shame in Being Australian?”
“Narrative of Race in America”
“Immigration in Ireland”

Class 16: Making the Call

“Remembering Tim Piazza”
“A Look Inside Hazing”
“The Problem Was They Left Him Alone”
“Image This is Your Story”
“Risks of Consuming Alcohol”
“Be Aware of What You’re Drinking”
“Myths of Getting Sober Quick”
“Know the Signs of Alcohol Poisoning”
“Do NOT Backpack”
“Medical Amnesty Will Help. Call for help.”
“Why Are You Not Anti-Greek Life?”
“Advice Before Joining Greek Life”

Class 17: Poisoning the Blood

“What Does “Poisoning the Blood Mean (Part 1 of 2)?”
“What Does “Poisoning the Blood Mean (Part 2 of 2)?”
“What is a Dog Whistle?”
“Illegal or Undocumented?”
“What Do You Think of: Legal and Illegal Immigrants”
“How Many Migrants Are Too Many?”
“History is Important to Understand Immigration”
“Immigration Needs to Be A Little Difficult”
“How Many People Who Leave Their Home?”

Class 18: Who Cares about TikTok?

“Social Media in China”
“Is TikTok Used in China?”
“Should the USA Ban Content on Social Media?”
“Is TikTok Banned in China?”
“Are You Worried about Chinese Censorship?”
“Do Koreans Fight Online?”
“Age Restrictions for Social Media?”

Class 19: The Conversation

No Shorts

Class 20: ¿Preguntas?

“Should We Ban Religion?”
“US Involvement in the World”
“Apologies to Gen Z!”
““Safe” Space on Campus”
“Did You Rock a Mullet?”
”Making Generalizations”

Class 21: The Great Replacement

“The Great Replacement Theory”
“Who Votes Democrat?”
“Poll: Replacing Conservative White Voters”
“We Never Know the Truth”
“Anything Could Be Happening Behind the Scenes”
“Conspiracies Have Power”
“We Need to Make Sense of the World”
“When Did The Great Replacement Theory Start?”
“Iraq’s Immigration and Migration Patterns”
“Bringing in Kurds to Change Policy”
“Need To Know What the Great Replacement Theory Is”
“What’s True in the Post-Truth World?”
“Why Do Conservatives Talk about The GRT?”
“Adding to the Conflict”
“Logical Explanation of GRT”
“The Economic Triangle”

Class 22: “Creating Muslim Terrorists”

“The Problem with Bombing…”
“Bad Intelligence Killed My Family Members”
“Civilian Lives During War”
“America’s Evidence to Bomb My House”
“Did You Want Revenge?”
“America Needed To Clear My Name”
“Who Bombed You?”
“Changing Perspective on Americans”
“Remembering the Good Times”
“Every Religion Teaches Compassion”
“Making Peace in the Middle East”
“We MUST Talk To Each Other”
“Did Your Son Forgive?”
“Iraqi Response to Invasion of Kuwait”

Class 23: Sam Out Sick Day

No videos

Class 24: Entering a Culture

“Translating Mandarin Live”
“Embarrassment of Learning a New Language”
“This is Where People Stop”
“Why Do You Use Chopsticks?”
“Chopstick Championship“
“Eating Worm Larvae”
“Eating Bad Ass Ants”
“What Does It Taste Like?”

Class 25: Uncharted Territory

“Climate Change Has a Lot of Parts”
“Is Climate Change Happening?”
“We’re Never Going to Stop”
“It Needs to be a Global Effort”
“Do You Think About Climate Change?”
“Climate Change in China”
“Climate Change Doesn’t Impact Us”
“No One Talked About It”
“We’re Just Living”

Class 26: Paying our Debts

“Life Sentence in PA Means LIFE”
“Life in Prison in the 1970s”
“Wow, So Much Changed…”
“Why Do We Have Prisons?”
“Elders in Prison”
“Living Life in Prison”
“How Do You Want Us to Come Home?”
“How Did You Deal With Your Crime?”
“What Do You Miss About Prison?”
”Prison for 52 Years… What Now?”

Class 27: Punishment

“Pay Attention: 52 Years in Prison”
“Rehabilitation or Punishment”
“Prisons Around the World”
“Mega Prisons in El Salvador”
“Justice in Saudi Arabia”
“Are You Going to Cheat in My Class?”
“Justice in Malaysia”
“More Than Sunni and Shia”
“Does Malaysia Punish or Rehabilitate Criminals?”
“Justice in Zimbabwe”
“Justice in Scandinavia”
“Racism in Malaysia”

Class 28: A Full Reversal

“First Memories of LGBT Community”
“LGBT Rights in Nigeria”
“Minorities Helping Minorities”
“Who’s Uncomfortable with Gay People?”
“Who Supports LGBT Rights?”
“What Are They Afraid Of?”
“Coming Out Story”
“Responding to Homophobia”
“Views on LGBT People Overtime”
“L G (B) T Community in 2024”
“Why Is Everyone Gay Today?”
“Stop Using Gay as a Slur, Please”

Class 29: You Asked?

“Is Streaming Harmful to the Class?”
”Have Opinions Changed?”
”Do Volunteers Know the Topic?”
”Is Taylor Swift Destroying America?”
”Is It Okay to Discipline Children?”
”Negative Comments from Chat”
”Is Assimilation Good or Bad?”
”Military and Culture”
”Leaving America?”
”Does the US Create Terrorism?”
”Does Inclusion Destroy Diversity?”

Class 30: Full Circle

”Visiting Bangladesh”
”Sam’s Evil Laugh”
”Getting in Trouble by Admin”
”Prepping for SOC 119”
”Will You Talk About Central Asia?”
”Biggest Shift in American Culture”
”How Does the US Send Money?”
”Responsible for Negative Comments”
”Is Tech Good or Bad?”
”Impacted by Negative Comments”
”Why Do You Stream?”
”Favorite Thing about Korea”
”Who is White?”
”Who Do You Teach?”
”Model Minorities”